Saturday, March 19, 2011

See "Macbeth" on the class website for your assignment and rubric handouts.


1. Submit your practice analysis and commentary by e-mail to Mrs. Price during the break if you want me to evaluate it before you write your test. This assignment is optional and it is entirely for your own good. Make sure you include your name and "commentary for Miss. Malgeri" in the subject line. Please do not submit the commentary last minute on Sunday night, as it will be difficult for me to give you feedback on Monday if you do so.

2. Work on your Macbeth performance. Instructions and rubric for this assignment are also posted on the blog.


Important dates for grade elevens:

-Wednesday, March 23, 2011 Passage analysis and commentary test. You will have 75 minutes (the entire period) to analyze and write a commentary for a passage from Acts

1-3 of Macbeth. (Both the analysis and the commentary will be graded).


-Friday, March 25, 2011 Part B of culminating activity due Analysis of 2 quotations from the scene you will be performing. (Make sure each group member selects different quotations, and remember that 4 of the quotations your group members analyse must be included in your script). This component of the assignment will be graded individually.


-Monday, March 28, 2011 Theme/Imagery summary sheet due This is the summary of the particular theme/image you signed up for with a partner (or in some cases, a group of 3). You will receive a group mark for this.


-Tuesday, March 29, 2011 Performances -Act 4 Scene 1

                  - Act 4 Scene 2

                  - Act 4 Scene 3 (part 1)


-Thursday, March 31, 2011 Performances -Act 4 Scene 3 (part 2)

                    -Act 5 Scene 2-3

                    -Act 5 Scene 4-6

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Analyze passage from Macbeth to put on overhead tomorrow.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Change of due dates. The journals on Act 1 are due on Monday. No extensions.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011